Friday 6 January 2012

The Amazing Spiderman

As much as I hate the title, my not-so-inner geek is buzzing to see this. I didn't enjoy Tobey Maguire as Spiderman, so am really looking forward to seeing how Andrew Garfield steps up, as I loved him in The Social Network and Never Let Me Go.


This. Looks. MEGA.

What a brilliant cast consisting of a few of my favourites, Michael Fassbender, Guy Pearce and Idris Elba.

Wednesday 4 January 2012


The reviews are claiming that Woody Harrelson is Oscar worthy for this, it looks great. Although, I can't take the fact they've cast Ice Cube in this seriously. 


I must admit, I first spotted Michael Fassbender in Inglorious Bastards and thought he was fab. Since then, every film he has been in, he has continued to amaze me. He's going to be massive in 2012... watch this space...


Nope, not the films, the BBC show.

Benedict Cumberbatch's portrayal as Sherlock is beyond anything of Robert Downey's attempt. If you haven't seen this programme, I urge you to take 6 hours (easy right?) out of your life and watch the show instead. They are an hour and a half each, and for the entire time you are on edge with Cumberbatch's character's super speed intelligence as well as the continuous twists and turns throughout. The first series is not available to catch up online, but the boxset is out on DVD (or you can stream online, but obviously, I don't suggest that, naughty...)

I have high hopes for Cumberbatch in the future since doing this, but you cannot forget the perfect pairing with Martin Freeman as Dr. Watson. He contributes swimmingly with Sherlock, and the relationship between them is executed brilliantly, Jude who?

I'd wait for the DVD of the new Sherlock Holmes film, and in the meantime buy Sherlock, the TV series  and watch while you wait to compare the two. I am fully aware of the differences in writing and directing styles for these portrayals of the Sherlock Holmes story, but I merely prefer the BBC series as, funnily enough, I enjoy to concentrate on what I'm watching from time-to-time instead of passively watching a good looking Jude Law pout a bit. There are some great action scenes in the film though, look out for the chasing in the woods scene...

Snow White and the Huntsman

This looks great, partially because I am in it. And no I don't mean my double Kristen Stewart, I mean I was an extra. 

This Means War

I am yet to be convinced with this film from the trailer. As much as I love pointless action scenes, I don't want this to ruin Tom Hardy. To me, he's good for this type of 'nothing' film. Leave it to Reese Witherspoon and the kid from Star Trek.

The Hobbit


The Expendables 2

Even though first film was possibly the worst of 2010, you couldn't help but love it and thought whoever decided to make this, with this cast, is a god. Not sure if they needed another one mind, it'll just be the same as the first, but they're 2 years older... which isn't really helping any of the cast.

The Dark Knight Rises

This is the film I'm sure everyone is anticipating for in 2012. Although I'm already the biggest Batman fan, I was sold when I heard Tom Hardy was playing Bane.